Rights of Shareholders

The Company recognizes the rights of shareholders, including the right to freely buy, sell, or transfer shares; to participate in, express opinions at, raise questions during,
or propose agenda items for the annual general meeting of shareholders; nominate directors; and vote at general meetings of shareholders regarding the Company’s performance
The Company recognizes the rights of shareholders, including the right to freely buy, sell, or transfer shares; to participate in, express opinions at, raise questions during, or propose agenda items for the annual general meeting of shareholders; nominate directors; and vote at general meetings of shareholders regarding the Company’s performance, election or removal of directors, directors’ remuneration, appointment of external auditors, auditor ’s fee, declaration of final dividends, amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, capital increases or decreases, and the approval of extraordinary transactions requiring shareholder approval. General meetings of shareholders are attended by relevant knowledgeable executives to answer questions.
Shareholders are provided with adequate information, including relevant opinions of the directors, regarding issues presented for voting at general meetings of shareholders in a timely manner to enable shareholders to exercise their voting rights effectively. The notice of general meeting of shareholders in both Thai and English are posted on the Company’s website at least 30 days before the meeting.
The Company facilitates and encourages its shareholders, including institutional shareholders, to attend the general meetings of shareholders. The Company attempts to select a meeting venue accessible by mass transportation for the convenience of its shareholders. In case of an appointment of a proxy, shareholders, including institutional shareholders, are encouraged to submit registration documents duly prepared in accordance with rules stipulated in the notice of the general meeting of shareholders along with all supporting documents to the Company prior to the meeting date. A barcode system is used for registration and vote counting to expedite the registration and vote computation process. The Company also provides stamp duty for the appointment of proxies.