Interim Dividend Payment
30 พฤษภาคม 2551
May 29, 2008
Subject: Interim Dividend Payment
To: President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand
CC: Secretary-General of The Securities and Exchange Commission
Dear Sir,
Esso (Thailand) Public Company Limited ("Esso") would like to notify the Stock
of Thailand that as the Company has unappropriated retained earnings as of
year end
2007 of Baht 10,739 million, the Board of Directors of Esso has resolved at a
Board of
Directors' Meeting No. 4/2008 held on May 29, 2008 to declare an interim
dividend of
Baht 1.00 (One Baht only) per share to the shareholders whose names appear on
share register book on the book closing date (June 20, 2008 at 12.00 hrs.) which
dividend shall be paid on June 27, 2008.
Please be informed accordingly.
Yours truly,
(Mr. Daniel E. Lyons)
Managing Director